Category: Science

The Blooming Yellow Poui

During the month of March each year, many parts of Jamaica are showered in yellow flowers that fall from the poui tree, creating a hauntingly

Minigrids and Microgrids

Minigrids and Microgrids are popping up around the world. These grids are different from main power grids because they are small community energy entities that

Beyond the Concrete Jungle

Concrete has been a favourite building material of humans for centuries.  It is said to be the second most essential substance on earth after water.

Tackling Light Pollution

It is hard to believe that the world that was once veiled in darkness at night, only lit by fires to keep its inhabitants warm,

Caribbean Whistling Ducks

Reddish-brown overall, with pale grayish cheeks, throat, and stomach, black bill and thighs, deeply pitted breast and belly, and a striking black-and-white ocellated pattern on

Jamaican Cooney

The Jamaican cooney (Geocapromys brownie) also known as the Jamaican Hutia or the Brown’s Hutia, is endemic to only Jamaica. The Jamaican hutia was once

The Woodpecker

The name Woodpecker comes from the habit of drilling holes into wood and tapping tree trunks to catch insects. Woodpeckers are members of the Picidae

The Wondrous Water Lily

‌Indigenous to mild and tropical counties such as Australia, South Africa and the northern hemisphere, the water lily has been in existence for hundreds of

The Amazing Aqueduct

It is generally agreed that the term “Aqueduct” is from the Latin word  aquæductus  with roots aqua,  meaning “water” and ducere which means “to lead”. 

Classifying Animals

No one knows how many or the exact number of species of animals that exist in the world today.  Usually animals are grouped to make

Forests in the Caribbean

Forests in the Caribbean have changed significantly since the beginning of the colonial era. In the 16th Century more than 90% of the region was


Many Caribbean countries face substantial risks from storms, floods and hurricanes. Coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds play an important role in protecting micro-states and

The Jamaican Crocodile

The Jamaican crocodile is known as Crocodylus acutus and it is Jamaica's only crocodilian and the largest reptile. The bulk of Jamaica's crocodile populations live in